May waitlist

8 week self study course

10 information filled modules with lessons & videos to help you break it all down + new information added often

8 weeks access to my 1:1 student support group

optional bonuses - Lifetime access to the course

This is the start of your "notox" skin healing journey.  Here you will learn everything you need to know to age well without deep lines or loss of collagen; all that I do.  All in 1 easy to learn & implement, 8 week course.

I set you up with a foundation for success

Learn the inside truths + proper modalities to having wrinkle free + plump skin.  First truth: this isn't found in a syringe

Break Up with Injectables™

a holistic approach to botox + fillers: collagen building without neurotoxins

I get it - I know the struggle / balance is real

You want to age well & without needing injectables or the use of toxins 

You keep spending so much money only to see results you don't like or look fake + you need more & more each visit

You do them but always felt there's got to be a better and healthier way to age well

You have never wanted to start out of fear but also see the signs of age creeping up


Hi Beautiful Malia
What a quick journey! I can't thank you enough for what you have taught me in these 8 weeks. I feel so empowered to heal my body from the inside out. You have given me the education to fuel my body so that I can flourish. These 8 weeks of learnings will be something that I will carry with me throughout the rest of my life.

Tabitha G.

I had seen several different specialists in different fields.  I had severe cystic acne even makeup could not cover.  I stopped believing any "professional" could help me.  My Mom suggested Malia.  It's amazing how my skin has transformed in 8 weeks.  I am incredibly thankful for Malia's course & the drastic healing & change it has brought to my skin, and my life!

Chloe M.

I just wanted to say how thankful I am for finding you & you accepting me as a student.  My self-esteem was so wrapped up in how poor my skin looked that I was wondering how the hell patients were going to see me as an appropriate healthcare provider.  Thank you for giving me my confidence back & so much more!
*2 year followup - I wanted to let you know I haven't had any real breakouts & we are pregnant!  I was so scared my acne & melasma would come back, but it hasn't at all!  Thank you, again!

Katherine O.

Students healing transformations, in their own words... 


Face massage

You have seen this done all over social media but I break through all the noise to the "moves" that actually work.  We will also do lymphatic massage daily so you have the added benefits of that too

Face Exercise

You will learn about the facial anatomy in a very easy to comprehend way.  This will help you really understand how your face works, what causes your specific problem areas & numerous exercises you can do literally anywhere

collagen Building

This is the foundation of it all.  I will share the proper foods specific to this. The proper supplements specific to this.  + each & every lesson will incorporate manual collagen stimulation

In just 8 weeks you'll have all the tools to build collagen naturally + maintain it without injectables!

the secret is found in my 3 pillar foundation

don't miss a spot!

If you are open and committed to natural alternatives to neurotoxins + fillers, but you just need some guidance figuring what and how to do this properly + effectively, my online course is the holy grail blueprint you've been looking for!

you want to do less botox and/or fillers

you want to come off botox and/or fillers

you never want to do botox or fillers

you do not want to rely on injectables to age well

you want to learn from someone who has been there and has tried it all & knows what works + doesn't  (hello, 49!)

Is this course a fit for ME?

If you are still wondering...

49 + filter free!

49 + filter free!

- Karissa

When I was pulling up pictures to send you, I honestly started to tear up looking at the ones of my skin from when we started.  I have a hard time describing the extremely heavy emotional burden my skin had taken on my life.  I am a health care professional and felt like patients were judging me by my skin.  I hadn't felt my skin under all those cysts in YEARS.  Yes, I still get an occasional pimple, but my skin is HAPPY now!  He heals quickly & doesn't scar.

"I wish I could reach through the computer & give you the biggest hug. No words can thank you enough for giving me my skin & confidence back. Investing in your course has been a life changing experience!"

-Emily M.

I went into this thinking I would just be changing my skin & maybe digestion, but not my anxiety & overall health!  I'm so happy I decided to take the chance & work with you.  Before I started I was so overwhelmed.  I can confidently say I do not have bad anxiety anymore & I have a much healthier mindset about life in general.  I feel like I have so many correct tools nows.  I truly cannot thank you enough!!!

"My mind is blown by these before & after pics of me!  I can definitely see the difference in my skin but more importantly I can feel the difference in both my mind & body!

-Emily R.

I struggled for YEARS trying all kinds of different skin methods and nothing helped.  Your course healed my skin within weeks and y skin has been healthy and glowing ever since (over 3 years later!).  You give women back their confidence & that is something that is very meaningful.  Thank you very much!

"I was recently reflecting on my skin healing journey and I just wanted to reach out to you to tell you how grateful I am for finding you.

but what about...

Hold up, wait a minute!

I get it, most nowadays do or have done some of this.  There's so many different techniques, hundreds of styles & "moves" & unfortunately many won't do much, are not done properly or will not get you the specific desired results you're looking for.  I took/paid for multiple lessons, did a ton of research & tried ALL modalities. I compiled the ones I actually saw + felt a difference right away with, then added my collagen/skincare knowledge & created 1 comprehensive course.  Something I wish I had years ago!

But what if I have already done/do face yoga or massage?

While you do need to be committed to see real and lasting change, it doesn't take much time each day/week & you can do them anywhere at anytime.  I did my "quick refresh facelift" in the boat bathroom on vacation in Greece!  Of course you can also put in more time each day/week & get even more.  No rules, just a desire & commitment to your best self/skin/face!

What if I don't have a lot of time to spend on this?

The skincare products I recommend are all inexpensive & readily available online & in most countries.  It is not specific brands, I just give you guidelines to follow.  Supplements and tools are also very inexpensive.  You likely already have some of these things & hands are a big part of many lessons - FREE.  I can guarantee you have already spent much more than this and will continue to & on products for your skins healing & aging well. 
I teach you what you really need and what you do not. Less is so much more.

How much is this all going to cost me for products?

One last step!

I set the perfect foundation with all the basics you need to succeed - no matter which you choose

Breaking Up With Injectables

a self study or supported 8 week course-you choose

Investment: $1499

 ($2500 value = 3 core courses in 1 comprehensive collagen building course)
*Klarna pay plan available*

I am a certified holistic IIN health + nutrition coach & I have been testing and researching skincare & nutrition for over 26+ years now!  I have also worked closely and trained with many doctors, nurses & estheticians, both as a partner & overseeing manager in top LA medical spas.  With that; I took some of the good that actually worked and gladly left behind the things that never will.  Including some harsh & expensive products & treatments that are a waste of your time + money.

I am 51 and have literally tried everything in the skincare world over the last 26+ years! I now teach women which of those are total bull$hit and which are completely worth it.  Do not forget the beauty industry is a $511 billion dollar industry!

I am never not my learning, trying, and sharing with my students!

Hi again, beautiful!
It's Malia, your new skin coach & BFF

51 + filter free!